Imperial Russia Russian empire medal order badge Nicholas II 1894-1917 rare A103a
Imperial Russia Russian empire medal order badge Nicholas II 1894-1917 rare A103a

Imperial Russia Russian empire medal order badge Nicholas II 1894-1917 rare A103a

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Imperial Russia Russian empire medal order badge Nicholas II 1894-1917 rare A103a




Nicholas II (Russian Николай II, scientific transliteration Nikolaj II; born as Nikolaus Alexandrowitsch Romanow, Russian Николай Александрович Романов, scientific transliteration Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Romanov; * May 6th/ May 18th, 1868 greg. in Zarskoje Selo 1; † July 1918 in Yekaterinburg) from the Romanov-Holstein-Gottorp dynasty was the last emperor of the Russian Empire.


His official title was "Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia" (Император и самодержец всероссийский, Imperator i samoderschez wserossijski).


He ruled from November 1, 1894 until his overthrow on March 18, 1917 as a result of the February Revolution.


By sticking to the autocratic policies of his predecessors and not willing to undertake democratic reforms, Nicholas played a key role in the collapse of the Russian monarchy during the First World War.


After his abdication, he was interned with his family and murdered by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17, 1918.


On August 20, 2000, Nicholas and his family were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church for martyrdom.


A fantastic part of military history not to be missed at this low listing price. It would be extremely hard to find a much better example than these medals, medals weight a bit.

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