China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Tmedals
China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Tmedals
China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Tmedals
China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Tmedals

China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Tmedals

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China Qing Dynasty Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal 1874 Restrike Rare

Replica Copy Restrike! Made from Silver!

1:1 Details as original
Weight of the silver Medal: 128.5 grams

Diameter: ca. 87.57 mm / 3.45 Inches

Info about the original Medal:
CHINA. Fuzhou (Foochow). Imperial Silver Award Medal for the Establishment of the Foochow Arsenal, ND (ca. 1874). 87 mm;  Two dragons arranged vertically on a stippled background flanking a column of four characters, the sun above flanked by characters at right and left, all within geometric boarder; Reverse: Inscription arranged in similar format to obverse; however, clouds are in place of dragons, all on stippled background within geometric boarder. A series of institutional reforms were issued during the late Qing dynasty, known as the self-strengthening movement. Following a series of military defeats by foreign powers, namely the Opium Wars, China went to great lengths to strengthen and modernize its military powers. The goal of the self-strengthening movement was to build China's military as an industry, by constructing a series of arsenals as well as the construction of the shipyards and a naval academy at Mawei Foochow. The petition to build the Foochow Arsenal shipyard was presented to the Qing court in 1866 by Tso Tsung-t'ang, who was then governor of Fukien and Chekiang. Construction of the Foochow Arsenal began in 1867 under the guidance of French Naval officer Prosper Marie Giquel. From 1867 to 1874 Prosper Marie Giquel and his colleague Paul d'Aiguebelle were in charge of the project and overseeing its completion. The two Frenchmen set about assembling a team of European engineers, mechanics and craftsman capable of performing of such a task. Once plans were in motion a "guarantee agreement" or contract was made, stating that the foreigners would have the shipyard and academy completed within a five year period. As per the agreement foreign craftsmen should ensure the Chinese co-workers were taught the appropriate skills to build ships, cast tools, operate forges, and essentially operate the facilities independently. By the end of 1873 Prosper Giquel had fulfilled his obligation and the five year agreement was about to expire. In 1874 Shen Pao-chen petitioned the Qing court, recommending the foreign advisors for special recognition by granting an order. In response, the Qing court ordered the Imperial Palace Construction Section to manufacture award medals in the name of the Qing government. The medal is accompanied by a letter and rubbing from the director of the Musee Guimet Museum of Asian Art, Paris, dated October 29, 1909. The basis of the
letter is describing the medal, and transcribing its legends from Chinese into French. Produced in high relief with sharp and refined details. The devices are accented with dark grey and brown antiqued patina. EXTREMELY RARE and first example of this medal we have seen. One of the earliest and most historically important Qing dynasty medal we have had the privilege of auctioning.

87 mm。正面雙龍搶珠,有"大清御賜銀牌"字樣,外圈為夔紋。背面"福州船政成功"六字,兩旁祥雲,夔紋環繞。清末在鴉片戰爭後對外接連敗戰,開始積極推展"自強運動"(即洋務運動)以求現代化及加強軍力。強化軍力首需建立兵工業,故在各地興建兵工廠(機器局),包括在馬尾設造船廠(福州船政局)及海軍學校(福州船政學堂)。1866年閩浙總督左宗棠新奏請在馬尾成立福州船政局,獲准後次年動工,由法國海軍軍官日意格督導。1867年至 1874年間,日意格及其同僚德克碑任正副監督。兩位法國人以歐洲工程師及工匠組成一個團隊,簽訂"保約",保證洋員可以在五年期間內教習中國工匠有關造船、鑄造工具、操作鍛造及工廠經營的自主能力。1873年底,日意格履行了他的責任,合約也將期滿。1874年掌管船政總理的大臣沈葆楨上奏朝廷,以"洋員教導功成"請頒贈獎牌酬謝。清廷即交清宮造辦處以大清政府名義製作獎牌。

Top Rare!  Unique in the World!

A fantastic part of chinese history not to be missed at this low listing price. It would be extremely hard to find a much better example than this Badge, Badge weight a bit!! In great condition.

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